Currently we have 487 questions available in this question bank.
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What is the diagnosis?...
What is the most likely diagnosis?...
The malignancy shown is cytokeratin, EMA, CEA, S-100 and EGFR positive? Based on the immunohistochemistry alone, what is...
As you are reviewing the slide set for deep microbial infections during residency, you start with these slides. What is ...
What other disease processes would share similar findings on histology to the disease process that led to clinical prese...
Biopsy of the clinical eruption displayed in the photographs shows a vacuolar interface dermatitis without much extensio...
In a patient who has not been exposed to the plant shown before, what type of histology would you expect if his/her skin...
DermQBank provides additional preparation materials to pass the subspecialty certification exam in dermatopathology. With expert-designed questions, DermQBank's trusted team of board-certified dermatology specialists offers questions in special stains, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, molecular technique, and more. Our platform provides a test-like exam simulation using similar formatting and a test-timer for rehearsal.
The dermatopathology certification exam is a single-day exam completed on a computer within an approved testing center. Examinees have 8 hours to complete approximately 270 multiple-choice, single-answer questions. Question stems may include virtual microscopy, still photomicrographs, or text only. In addition to the full breadth of neoplastic, inflammatory, and infectious dermatologic diseases, the examination will test a trainee's knowledge of special stains, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, and molecular techniques. Clinicopathologic correlation, utilizing clinical photographs, will be helpful, if not necessary, for some questions. Practical aspects of dermatopathology, such as billing codes, patient safety, and laboratory management are also tested.
Preparing for the examination starts with diligent day-in, day-out learning during a dermatopathology fellowship. This can be supplemented with additional material including review textbooks and question banks. The examinee is expected to demonstrate a breadth and depth of knowledge far beyond what is expected during a pathology or dermatology residency. Thus, no topic, from esoteric infections to artifactual findings to rare malignancies should be overlooked.
Examinees can expect pass/fail results 6-8 weeks after completing the examination.